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Not happy with your performance in your MPEs? Well, here's a handy mechanic
with various uses: Reclassification

Reclassification basically allows you to change a module from one module type to another. Since you are only allowed to S/U BDEs (aka UEs), you can reclassify your modules to open up this option. However, your AUs will then, of course, go to your BDE quota instead. Read on for more info.
How to Apply for Reclassification?
Towards the end of every semester, your faculty will send an email on reclassification. You can also check the Reclassification Period dates here, under "Reclassification".
In the email, there should be a link to a form which you can fill. The images below were provided by a Wee Kim Wee student, so yours may not look exactly the same!

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