MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course)
It's not Mookata, it's MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses. If you're looking to shave off your BDE quota or just learn more, this is FOR YOU.

These are basically Pass/Fail online courses, which fulfil your BDE AU quota. They are hosted by various platforms - but NTU's partner is Coursera. Thus, certain courses on Coursera are available for free, with full free certification for NTU students. For other platforms, you would need to pay for the certificate.
About MOOCs
These courses are prepared by universities all around the world, with a wide variety of topics. The best part is, they can be completed at your own pace as it is all remote online learning.
However, do note that you can only clear up to 12AU worth of BDE with MOOCs. Furthermore, all majors have a Graded AU Component quota - refer to your curriculum structure to find out yours. You must fulfil this - and AUs from MOOCs do not.
To learn more about MOOCs, enrolling in, and how you can obtain credit transfer after completing a course, visit the official NTU webpage here.