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Hall Applications

Wondering how to apply/reapply to hall? Whether you’re a freshie or a senior, it’s okay if things get a lil confusing.

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Be it questions about hall points, rec lists, decon sheets, or applications themselves, read on to find out more.


Freshmen Application


All incoming freshmen will be able to apply for hall in their post-admissions portal (the same place where you'll do everything else you have to do after accepting your offer into NTU).


Freshmen CANNOT choose their hall. The only way to not get a random hall is to get your name into a "Freshmen Recommendation List". You can either visit the Halls' Instagram pages to find the link, or get a senior you know, who lives in that hall, to rec you in.


However, you WILL be able to choose your room type - double or single, air-con or not, attached, shared or common toilet. As certain types are only available in certain halls, selecting those increase your chances of getting into those halls.


Do note that if you check the box indicating that you are okay with being assigned a room other than the type you selected, you may not get the room type you chose, depending on availability (it is not uncommon for freshmen who select single rooms to be assigned to a double room)


Currently, ALL NTU students are GUARANTEED hall stay for Year 1 & 2.


If you want to room with someone you know, you either have to both be freshmen, or be siblings. This is because the freshmen application period is long after senior applications. Within the application portal, you'll be able to indicate who you want to room with.

Senior Hall Applications

Application to Halls for seniors is usually open in June. The application portal can be found online, and more details about the schedule & portal can be found here at the official NTU site.


Seniors CAN choose their hall, block & room. However, you may not get your first choice, subject to availability & priority.


If you have someone you wish to room with, you can indicate so in the portal. However, just because one person gets a room does not mean their indicated roommate will get a room too. 


All NTU have guaranteed hall stay for their first 2 years of study. After this, please refer to the section below for more on the Hall Admission Scheme and how places in hall are allocated.


You will always have a higher chance of getting a place in hall if you apply back to the same hall you stayed in the previous year. Many seniors will also recommend applying to the same room. Some halls have a deconflict sheet, which can be used to minimise multiple people applying to the same room.


Do note that a Year 3 or 4 student may be waitlisted at first, but offered a place later, before semester starts, or even during semester. Spots will open up depending on the number of freshmen applying to hall.


There will also be a Senior Recommendation List (for more, please see below) - however, you will STILL need to apply through the normal hall application process regardless of your Rec List results.

NTU Hall
Admission Scheme

NTU Hall Admission follows a fixed Hall Admission Scheme (HAS) (sign in with NTU email to view these links). This separates students into THREE categories, A, B & C, in order of priority.

Category A (Full Info here)

These are the people guaranteed a place in hall.

  1. Students within their 1st two years of study

  2. Students with special needs (on a case-by-case basis)

  3. Students in special university programmes (REP, USP, etc)

  4. Students who have been elected to Management Committees in student organisations but failed to get a place in hall prior to their election in the current academic year


Category B (Full Info here)

These people will be assigned a place in hall based on rec lists.

  1. Students recommended by the Senior Faculty-In-Residence

  2. Students recommended by the Hall Council (JCRC) (50 max per hall)

  3. Students recommended by SU/its constituent clubs

  4. Students in the University Sports Scheme


Category C

These people may be assigned a place in hall based on the number of CCA points (also known as hall points) they have. CCA points do not stack, and the activity giving you the highest points will be the points you have.


Points are assigned on 5 Campus Life Involvement levels:

  1. Campus Life-Level 1 - 9 Points 

  2. Campus Life-Level 2 - 7 Points 

  3. Campus-Life Level 3 - 5 Points 

  4. Campus-Life Level 4 - 3 Points 

  5. Active Member - 1 Point (new from AY22/23)

Seniors incoming to Year 3 or 4 often need at least 7 or 9 points to secure a space in hall, unless they are allocated through Category A or B.


Please read this document for more on what CCAs & which positions within them will get you these points. Do note that activities in NTU are tiered, so being President in one CCA might give you 9 points, but in another, might only give you 5. 

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