There are a few TYPES of exams & tests in NTU:
These are the OFFICIAL examinations known as "finals". As the name suggests, they're held at the end of every semester. NOT ALL MODULES HAVE FINALS! These exams have their own time period in our academic calendar - meaning you won't be attending any lessons/lectures in this period.
You can check if/when you have finals in the STARS platform.
Simply scroll to the bottom of the page and check the table there.
Alternatively, NTU will also email about finals nearer to that period, with a link to this page on examination seating arrangements. Inside, you'll find your finals schedule (if any) & examination venues.
There are 3 slots for finals every day in finals period: 0900, 1300, & 1700. On Fridays, however, there are only 2: 0900 & 1430.

Mid-Terms & Tests
2) Mid-Terms & Tests
These are the "not-so-official" exams in NTU - meaning that they are NOT reflected in your STARS page, & do not have their own period in our academic calendar set aside for them.
Once again, NOT ALL MODULES have these either. You would need to check your module's syllabus document/course outline - this can usually be found inside the NTULearn page (our elearning site) for that module.
Midterms usually occur right before, during or after Recess Week - a "holiday" week right in the middle of the term. However, some modules seem to have midterms even 3/4 of the way into the semester.
Other tests may happen throughout the semester - and some modules without finals (or, extremely rarely, even a module with a final) have large tests at the end of the semester (Week 12/13) instead, before the official finals period.