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Changing & Swapping Index

Not satisfied with your timetable? Need to resolve scheduling clashes? Here's two ways to solve that problem.

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Both methods have the same end product, but different ways to get there. FYI, "Index" refers to your class. Putting yourself in a different index will change your class timing, classmates, and sometimes even the person teaching you. 


Just note that not every module has multiple indexes!

Changing Index

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This is the simpler way to get a different index. All you need to do is

1) Log in to STARS

2) Click the dot next to the module you want to change indexes for

3) Select "Change Index" in the dropdown menu & press "Go"

4) Choose the index you want (must have vacancies)

5) Review the comparison table on the next page

6) Confirm your change 


You should also pull up the modules' class timings on another window so you know which index corresponds to what timings. 


You can change index during your personalised STARS timeslot and during Add/Drop Period.


Do note that, for ICC modules, you may receive an error message telling you that you are not allowed to change to a certain index. Some other indexes (for the same module), however, may allow you to change.

Swapping Index

If you find yourself unable to change indexes, or there are no vacancies to do so, you can still change timeslots by swapping indexes with a peer. 


To help you find a peer willing to swap, some very brilliant people (a very brilliant person?) (@swapformadmin on Telegram) have come up with unofficial swap forms and google sheets:

1) 23/24 Sem 1 Swap Form for ICC Modules Only

2) 23/24 Sem 1 Swap Form for all other modules


People also ask in Telegram cohort chats (or even NTU Marketplace)


Please note that you can only swap ICC modules with a peer from the SAME college as you.


Once you have a peer, simply

1) Log in to STARS

2) Click the dot next to the module you want to swap indexes for

3) Select "Swop Index" & press "Go"

4) And follow through the instructions on screen

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