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Add/Drop Period

If your STAR WARS doesn't go according to plan, don't worry, there's still A New Hope: the Add/Drop Period

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The Add/Drop Period usually starts a week before the semester begins and ends around the 2nd or 3rd week of school. Adding modules in Add/Drop is done through the STARS platform. For a step-by-step guide on navigating the platform, check out our STARS page. For more information on Add/Drop, read on below.

What can you do
during Add/Drop?

As the name suggests, you can add new modules, and drop out of modules you're already registered in. If you didn't get to add the mod you wanted in STARS, Add/Drop is like a second chance - more vacancies will open up in this period (they reserve them for this).


This period overlaps with the first weeks of the semester so you can "try out" the classes you've registered for, and drop them if you decide it's really not for you (another reason why more vacancies open up). 

How does registration during Add/Drop work?

Registration uses a daily BALLOTING basis during Add/Drop. This means no more panic fastest-fingers-first action. Every day, from 10AM-10PM, you'll be able to add up modules of ANY TYPE to your MAX load. This is all done through the STARS platform, in the same way as STARS.


So if you need to add more non-BDE modules above your normal load, you'll now be able to do so! You can add up to FIVE courses to your waitlist, and you'll have to rank them.


The result of your balloting will be emailed to you each day. Good luck!

How to drop modules during Add/Drop?

1) Log into STARS

2) Scroll to the table at the bottom

3) Click the dot next to the module you want to drop

4) Click the drop down menu and select "Drop"

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