Acad Stuff!
STARS (Star Wars) / General Module Things
In a galaxy not so far away, NTU students face a great battle: STARS, the infamous module registration exercise - more affectionately known as STAR WARS. (REFER HERE FOR ANYTHING ON ICC (interdisciplinary), Academic Units / AU, MODULE TYPES, BDE, MPE, electives, etc)
Add/Drop Period
If your STAR WARS doesn't go according to plan, don't worry, there's still A New Hope: the Add/Drop Period
Changing & Swapping Index
Not satisfied with your timetable? Need to resolve scheduling clashes? Here's two ways to solve that problem.
Worried about your grades? Want to take an intimidating BDE module? Well, there's sometimes a way out!
Not happy with your performance in your MPEs? Well, here's a handy mechanic with various uses: Reclassification
It's not Mookata, it's MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses. If you're looking to shave off your BDE quota or just learn more, this is FOR YOU.
Finals & Mid-Terms
Besides STAR(S) WARS, most NTU students have another battle to fight: Finals! Together with its little sibling, Mid-Terms, these might be the bane of your existence. But it doesn't have to be all bad: Read on for more info on how to navigate these waters
Past Year Papers
Stressed about finals? Not sure what to expect? NTU's got you covered (usually).